Canadian Weather

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Canadian Weather & Climate:

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[/pt_text][pt_text element_name=”Text 3″ extra_class=””]A Canadian was staying in London during the winter when it snowed. In the usual British manner, the country ground to a halt with traffic chaos.

“You must think us incompetent as a nation when it snows,” said an embarrassed Brit to the Canadian.

“Not at all,” He replied, “It is quite natural. You want to be in Ottawa during the first week after the snow arrives each winter. It is chaos there until everyone gets their winter tyres fitted. As we Canadians always say about our weather; we have eight months of winter followed by four months of road repairs!”

Canada is a vast country and therefore it is impossible to generalise about the Canadian weather because it consists of a wide variety of different weathers, climates and seasons.

The majority of Canada has a harsh, cold or severely cold winter climate. In the interior, daily average winter temperatures are near −15 °C and can drop below −40 °C with severe wind chills with snow covering the ground for almost half of the year, while in parts of the north snow can persist year-round.

Meanwhile on the west coast, British Columbia has a temperate climate, with a mild and rainy winter.

In summer though, southerly areas, which is where the vast majority of Canadians live, are quite warm with almost Mediterranean temperatures. On the east and west coasts, average daily temperatures are generally in the low 20s °C while inland the average summer temperature is around 25 to 35 °C and exceeds 40 °C in some interior locations.

Because of the warm ocean currents along the British Columbia coastline, not only are the winters much milder but spring arrives there in February. Across the central and southern reaches of the country, you have to wait for enjoyable spring weather until May.

Generally, summer begins in late May, and extends through to September. The hottest months are July and August and during those months the temperatures in the large cities of the south and across the central plains in summer are normally in the low 30’s / high 20s °C with them reaching the high 30s °C on not too in-frequent occasions.

For many travellers, the Canadian weather during the months of September and October (“the Fall”) provide best time to visit Canada, as most days are cool, crisp and pleasant.

In the northern reaches of the country, the Canadian winters are cold and long, and they can be brutal with nine months of snow cover (or more) as the norm. In the central interior and Prairie Provinces, snow can cover the ground for almost six months of the year.

It is not without good reason that the stereotype exists of the wheat barons of the prairies spending just six months of the year on their farms and the other six months in their heated apartments in cities like Winnipeg or even sunning themselves in Florida.

Further Information about Canada:

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Other North America Destinations:

Canada | Greenland | USA [/pt_text][/pt_column][/pt_row][/pt_section]

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